IsakheloScaffoldIngI-Crastiikwabizwa ngokuba yi-x brace. Ngamacandelo bayo yonke inkqubo yefreyimu yesakhelo.
I-races crosszisetyenziswa ngababini kunye nokuwela ukuya kwi-veles ephambili kwisakhiwo esithe nkqo kwisakhiwo sokwakha kunye nekhonkrithi yekhonkrithi.
I-Crastizenziwe kumbhobho we-scaffied. Iibhloko ze-racenited qinisekisa ubomi obude.
Ngokwe-frems hermes the the the the the kunye ne-lock pin umgama ngokuthe nkqo. Kukho ubungakanani obahlukeneyoIsakhelo seFubFold Droces. Bandakanya i-1829 (l) x 1219 (H) (H), 1219 (L) x 1219 (H).
Isakhelo seSakhelo Scare Fought BracesOlunye ubungakanani luyafumaneka ngesicelo.
Naziphi na iimfuno zesayizi zamkelekile ukuba
Imveliso yeMveliso
Izatifikethi zemveliso