What is the most common cause of scaffolding collapses

Scaffolding can take many different forms, and individual scaffolds can vary significantly in sophistication and durability. They tend to be temporary structures that constriction companies build very quickly for a specific purpose. Unfortunately, this fact means that they are often built without sufficient planning and care, putting the individuals who work on them and bystanders at significant risk of injury.

When scaffolding collapses, both workers and bystanders can be seriously injured. Here are some of the most common causes of scaffolding collapses:

1. Poorly constructed scaffolding
2. Scaffolding built with substandard or defective parts or materials
3. Overloaded scaffolding platforms
4. Poor or non-existent scaffolding maintenance
5. Vehicle or equipment collisions with scaffolding support beams
6. Noncompliance with scaffolding using regulations

Post time: Jan-05-2024

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