What are the contents of the scaffolding acceptance inspection

Scaffolding is an indispensable and important facility in construction. It is a working platform and working channel built to ensure the safety and smooth construction of high-altitude operations.
In recent years, scaffolding accidents have occurred frequently across the country. The main reasons are: that the construction plan (work instructions) is not handled properly, the construction workers violate the regulations, and the inspection, acceptance, and listing are not implemented in place. At present, scaffolding problems are still common at construction sites in various places, and safety hazards are imminent. Managers must pay enough attention to the safety management of scaffolds, and “strict acceptance inspection” is particularly important.

When should scaffolding acceptance be done?
1) After the foundation is completed and before the frame is erected.
2) After the first step of large and medium-sized scaffolding is completed, the large crossbars are erected.
3) After each installation is completed at a height of 6 to 8 meters.
4) Before applying load on the working surface.
5) After reaching the design height (scaffolding will be inspected once for each layer of structural construction).
6) After encountering winds of level 6 and above or heavy rain, frozen areas will thaw.
7) Discontinue use for more than one month.

Key points for scaffolding acceptance
1) Whether the setting and connection of rods, the structure of connecting wall parts supports, and door opening trusses meet the requirements.
2) Whether there is water in the foundation, whether the base is loose, whether the pole is suspended, and whether the fastener bolts are loose.
3) For double-row and full-hall scaffolding with a height of more than 24m, and full-hall support frames with a height of more than 20m, whether the settlement and verticality deviation of the vertical poles meets the technical specifications.
4) Whether the safety protection measures of the frame meet the requirements.
5) Is there any overloading phenomenon?

10 items for scaffolding acceptance: ① Foundation and foundation ② Drainage ditch ③ Pad and bottom bracket ④ Sweeping pole ⑤ Main body ⑥ Scaffolding board ⑦ Wall-connecting parts ⑧ Scissor brace ⑨ Up and down measures ⑩ Measures to prevent the frame from falling

Post time: Apr-02-2024

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