The most complete in history! 48 safety standards for scaffolding

1. Materials should be 100% inspected by current national standards. All scaffolding materials must be properly stored after being inspected and qualified and must have product quality certificates, production licenses, and test reports from professional testing units.
2. Safety protection equipment and measurement equipment are complete.
3. After the special construction plan for scaffolding erection submitted by the general contractor to the project department of Party A is passed, the construction unit will be organized to conduct technical disclosure and make written records of the disclosure.
4. Therefore, scaffolding operators must be certified to work.
5. Drawing deepening: According to the special plan for scaffolding erection drawings, check with the building construction drawings, calculate the step and horizontal distance of the vertical poles, and draw the vertical pole layout positioning diagram and the cantilever unloading layer cantilever steel beam layout diagram.
6. Foundation requirements: Use concrete hardening treatment, concrete thickness ≥100mm, concrete grade ≥C20, must meet the load requirements of the scaffolding erection construction plan, and layout according to the vertical pole layout positioning diagram.
7. Drainage ditches are set up around the foundation, and there is no water accumulation on the foundation ground. The grounding wire is made of 40mmХ4mm galvanized flat steel and connected to the main structure of the pole with two bolt clamps. The lightning protection points are ≥ four (lightning protection points are set at the four corners of the building), and the requirements of the lightning protection special plan are met to ensure effective lightning protection grounding.
8. Vertical and horizontal sweeping rods: The vertical sweeping rod is fixed to the column 20cm away from the bottom of the base with a right-angle fastener, and the horizontal sweeping rod is fixed to the column close to the vertical sweeping rod with a right-angle fastener. At the entrance and exit of the passage, the sweeping rod can be installed when there is a risk of tripping.
9. The joints of two adjacent columns of the pole should not appear in the same span at the same time, and the distance staggered in the height direction should not be less than 500mm.
10. The horizontal distance between adjacent joints of the longitudinal horizontal rod is not less than 500mm, and the distance between each joint and the column is not more than 500mm. The joints are staggered, not synchronous, and in the same span.
11. The extension of the diagonal rod of the scissors brace is overlapped with fasteners. The length is not less than 1m and not less than 3 fasteners.
12. Two small crossbars must be set under the joints of the scaffolding boards laid head to head, and the board ends are 100-150mm away from the small cross bars.
13. The overlapped scaffolding boards must be laid on the small cross bars, and the overlap length is not less than 200mm. The scaffolding boards at the bends must be laid crosswise, and the overlap length of the joints a≥100mm, L≥200mm, and each scaffolding board must be tied at four points.
14. The scaffolding should be continuously set with scissors braces on the entire length and height of the outer facade.
15. The distance requirement of the center points of each fastener at the main node: a≤150mm. (1. Vertical pole 2. Longitudinal horizontal pole 3. Transverse horizontal pole 4. Shear brace)
16. The wall connection adopts a rigid connection and is set in two steps and three spans, but the wall connection pole coverage area must be ≤27m2. Φ20 steel bars are embedded on the side of the structural concrete. The embedded length and welding width of the steel bars must meet the load requirements of the special scheme. The wall connection pole is set close to the main node and the distance from the main node is ≤300mm.
17. Raw material requirements for wire rope unloading embedded parts: Use round steel with a diameter of ≥Φ20. It is recommended to use embedded nut assembled embedded parts. The embedded length must meet the load requirements of the special scheme.
18. Installation requirements for wire rope unloading embedded parts: It is strictly forbidden to connect the unloading wire rope when the concrete is not 28 days old on the outside of the embedded position structural beam. Wrong practice of wire rope unloading embedded parts: The embedded parts are installed on the surface of the structural beam, leaving leakage risks for the exterior wall construction.
19. Requirements for raw materials of cantilever load embedded parts: Use round steel with a diameter of ≥Φ20, and it is strictly forbidden to use threaded steel. The embedded length must meet the load requirements of the special plan; incorrect practices for cantilever load embedded parts: It is strictly forbidden to weld and fix them later.
20. Requirements for scaffolding embedded wall parts: Use round steel embedded parts with a diameter of ≥Φ20, and fully weld them with the scaffolding. It is strictly forbidden to use threaded steel for embedded parts. The embedded length and welding length must meet the load requirements of the special plan; it is recommended to use the connection method of embedded steel plate nuts. Incorrect practices for scaffolding embedded wall parts: Embedded parts are installed on the surface of the structural beam, leaving leakage risks for the exterior wall construction.
21. Requirements for cantilever unloading settings: Cantilever steel beams use ≥16 I-beams, and the height of the I-beam cantilever frame (without wire rope unloading) cannot exceed 24m; if the height exceeds 24m, there must be a special unloading plan, which can only be implemented after confirmation by the supervisor and Party A.
22. Requirements for elevator opening guardrails: guardrail height ≥1.6m, vertical steel bar spacing ≤100mm, standard floor and warning words on the top, 180mm high skirting board installed at the bottom, skirting board made of ≥9mm thick plywood, low-voltage lighting must be installed inside the elevator shaft.
23. Requirements for stair guardrails: removable water pipe guardrails, height ≥1.2m; stairs with a drop of more than 3m on the edge must be hung with mesh and 180mm high skirting board installed at the bottom, skirting board made of ≥9mm thick plywood.
24. Requirements for closed protection of floor openings with a length and width of ≥400mmх400mm: Φ6@150 steel mesh is fixed in the opening with four-point expansion screws, the surface is sealed with ≥10mm thick plywood, and the edges are covered with 200mm of pressure edge and then sealed with mortar.
25. Requirements for closed protection of floor openings with a length and width of less than 400mmх400mm: fixed with 10mm thick plywood and marked with eye-catching paint.
26. Requirements for setting edge guardrails: use removable water pipe guardrails with a height of 1.2m. After installation, hang safety nets for protection. Install 180mm high skirting boards at the bottom. The skirting boards are made of ≥9mm thick plywood.
27. Requirements for setting scaffolding bottom nets: set a bottom net for every 3 floors, install 180mm high skirting boards at the bottom, and the skirting boards are made of ≥9mm thick plywood.
28. Requirements for setting hard closed scaffolds: the material is 10mm thick plywood, set a hard closed protective scaffolding board for every 6 floors, install 180mm high skirting boards at the bottom, and the skirting boards are made of ≥9mm thick plywood.
29. Requirements for the setting of foundation pit guardrails: Use removable water pipe guardrails with a height of 1.2m, and then hang safety nets for protection. Install a 180mm high skirting board at the bottom. The skirting board is made of ≥9mm thick plywood. It is recommended to use a concrete anti-slope skirting board.
30. Requirements for the setting of guardrails that cannot be closed with plywood: Use removable water pipe guardrails with a height of ≥1.2m; if the edge exceeds, install a 180mm high skirting board at the bottom. The skirting board is made of ≥9mm thick plywood.
31. Requirements for the setting of safe passages: The material is 10mm thick plywood, and double-layer plywood hard closed protection is set. The height of the pedestrian passage layer is ≥2 m.
32. Requirements for the setting of protective sheds in the coverage area of ​​tower crane transportation: The material is 10mm thick plywood densely laid, and double-layer plywood hard closed protection is set.
33. Installation requirements: The material is ≥9mm thick plywood, 180mm high, and a skirting board must be set on each floor; the skirting board is set between the vertical pole and the safety net.
34. Raw material requirements for construction staircases: steel pipes, steel mesh treads or steel plate treads, 5mm thick plywood skirting boards; construction staircases requirements: tread width 300mm, stair width ≥1000mm, rest platform width ≥1000mm, skirting board height 180mm, slope should be 1:3, railing height 1.2m.
35. Requirements for raw materials of the integral prefabricated unloading platform: the outer periphery of the chassis frame is ≥[18 channel steel, the middle is ≥[12 channel steel, the bottom plate, and side plates are ≥3mm thick patterned steel plates, the lifting rings are ≥20mm thick steel plates, the four corner columns of the fence and the middle columns and horizontal bars of the upper handrails are all Ф48×3.5 steel pipes, and the steel wire ropes are ≥φ18.5×4;
Requirements for the marking of the integral prefabricated unloading platform: After each installation, it must be accepted by the supervision company before it can be put into use, and a written record of each acceptance must be made. The weight limit sign uses a “fool-style” weight limit sign. The stacking height cannot exceed the height of the unloading guardrail; when stacking steel pipes, the outer dimension of the unloading platform shall not exceed 1/4 of the total length of the steel pipe;
Requirements for the erection of the integral prefabricated unloading platform: The general contractor must provide a special plan before use, and the lateral pressure resistance of the railing meets the requirements for stacking steel pipes. The safety factor is not less than 2, and it can be implemented after confirmation by the supervisor and Party A.
36. Requirements for the construction of the passageway for commuting of the tower crane: use a fastener-type water pipe guardrail with a height of 1.2m. After installation, hang a safety net for protection. Install a 180mm high skirting board at the bottom. The skirting board is made of ≥9mm thick plywood.
37. Requirements for the construction of the passenger and freight elevator passageway: use 10mm thick plywood to lay closely at the bottom, and use an external lock to protect the protective door.
38. The extension length of the passenger and freight elevator passageway bolt is ≥150mm, the iron plate in the middle of the passenger and freight elevator iron door is sealed with a width of 300mm, and the upper and lower sealed steel meshes are sealed.
39. Requirements for the setting of cantilever flat baffles and inclined baffles: the material is 10mm thick plywood, and double-layer hard closure is set; it is prohibited to use transparent materials for closure. The general contractor must provide a special plan, which can be implemented after confirmation by the supervisor and Party A. Wrong practice of double-layer protection: double-layer protection does not use hard closure, and bamboo poles are used instead of 10mm thick plywood.
40. Drainage ditch setting at the bottom of the cantilever platform: Buildings with exterior wall display needs must be equipped with galvanized iron drainage ditch gutters. The general contractor must provide a special plan, which can be implemented only after confirmation by the supervisor and Party A.
41. Requirements for the erection of scaffolding on the working layer: The height of the scaffolding above the working surface is ≥1.8m.
42. After the erection of each layer of scaffolding is completed, it must be self-inspected by the construction unit and reported to the supervision company for acceptance before the floor beam bottom plate can be installed, and written records of each acceptance must be kept.
43. Safety warning requirements: During the erection and dismantling of scaffolding, there must be a safety officer responsible for the entire process of warning, and he must not leave the site midway. Non-scaffolding workers are prohibited from entering the safety warning area. If the safety officer or guard leaves the site midway, construction is not allowed.
44. The warning area is isolated by safety iron horses and a special person is responsible for warning. He must not leave the site midway. If the safety officer or guard leaves the site midway, construction is not allowed.
45. The principle of dismantling scaffolding is to erect first and then dismantle, and dismantle first if erected later; comprehensively check whether the fastener connection, wall connection, support system, etc. of the scaffolding meet the structural requirements; the dismantling sequence and measures in the scaffolding dismantling construction plan should be supplemented and improved according to the inspection results, and it can be implemented only after approval by the project department of Party A; before dismantling the scaffolding, the debris on the scaffolding and the obstacles on the ground must be cleared.
46. The wall connection must be dismantled layer by layer with the scaffolding. It is strictly forbidden to dismantle the wall connection layer or several layers before dismantling the scaffolding; the height difference of the segmented dismantling should not be greater than 2 steps. If the height difference is greater than 2 steps, additional wall connection parts should be added for reinforcement.
47. When the scaffolding is segmented, the two ends of the scaffolding that are not dismantled have closed protection at both ends, and the wall connection rods are added according to the requirements of the special plan. The general contractor must provide a special plan, which can be implemented after confirmation by the supervisor and Party A.
48. When the scaffolding is dismantled in separate sections (such as the position of the passenger and freight elevator is retained), the two ends of the scaffolding that are not dismantled shall be closed and protected, and wall connecting rods shall be added by the requirements of the special plan. The general contractor must provide a special plan, which can only be implemented after confirmation by the supervisor and Party A.

Post time: Sep-26-2024

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