Scaffoldings owner’s acceptance criteria

1) Scaffolding owner acceptance is calculated based on construction needs. For example, when installing ordinary scaffolding, the distance between poles must be less than 2m; the distance between large crossbars must be less than 1.8m; and the spacing between small crossbars must be less than 2m. The load-bearing scaffolding of the building must be accepted according to the calculation requirements. The load of general scaffolding shall not exceed 300 kilograms per square meter, and special scaffolding must be calculated separately. There cannot be more than two working surfaces within the same span.

2) The vertical deviation of the pole should be checked based on the height of the frame, and the absolute difference should be controlled at the same time: when the frame is lower than 20 meters, the pole deviation should not be greater than 5 cm. The height is between 20 meters and 50 meters, and the pole deviation is not more than 7.5 centimeters. When the height is greater than 50 meters, the pole deviation shall not be greater than 10 cm.

3) When the scaffolding poles are extended, except for the top of the top layer, which can be overlapped, the joints of each step of the other layers must be connected with butt fasteners. The joints of the scaffolding body should be arranged in a staggered manner: the joints of two adjacent poles should not be set at the same time or at the same time. Within the same span; the distance between two adjacent joints that are not synchronized or of different spans in the horizontal direction should not be less than 500mm; the distance from the center of each joint to the nearest main node should not be greater than 1/3 of the longitudinal distance; the overlap length should not be less than 1m, three rotating fasteners should be set at equal intervals for fixation, and the distance from the edge of the end fastener cover to the end of the overlapping longitudinal horizontal rod should not be less than 100mm. In double pole scaffolding, the height of the auxiliary pole shall not be less than 3 steps, and the length of the steel pipe shall not be less than 6 meters.

4) The large crossbars of the scaffolding shall not be larger than 2 meters and must be set up continuously. The horizontal deviation value of a row of large crossbars shall not be greater than 1/250 of the maximum length of the scaffolding and shall not be larger than 5 cm. The large crossbars shall not be installed in the same span. The side rails of the scaffold should extend between 10 and 15 centimeters from the frame body.

5) The small crossbar of the scaffolding should be set at the intersection of the vertical pole and the large horizontal bar and must be connected to the vertical pole using right-angle fasteners. When it is on the operating level, a small crossbar should be added between the two nodes to withstand To transmit the load on the scaffolding board, right-angle fasteners must be used to fix the small horizontal bars and be fixed on the longitudinal horizontal bars.

6) Fasteners must be used rationally during the erection of the frame, and fasteners must not be substituted or misused. Sliding wire or cracked fasteners must not be used in the frame.

Post time: Mar-18-2024

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