Scaffolding maintenance

1. Designate a dedicated person to conduct patrol inspections of the scaffolding every day to check whether the poles and pads have sunk or loosened, whether all the fasteners of the frame body have slide buckles or looseness, and whether all components of the frame body are complete.

2. Drain the scaffolding foundation well. After raining, conduct a comprehensive inspection of the scaffolding body foundation. It is strictly forbidden to accumulate water on the scaffolding base and sink.

3. The construction load on the operation layer shall not exceed 270 kg/square meter. Cross-bar supports, cable wind ropes, etc. shall not be fixed on the scaffolding. It is strictly prohibited to hang heavy objects on the scaffolding.

4. It is strictly prohibited for anyone to dismantle any parts of the scaffolding at will.

5. Scaffolding operations should be suspended in the event of strong winds above Level 6, heavy fog, heavy rain, and heavy snow, and must be checked before resuming work before continuing.

Post time: Oct-25-2023

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