Scaffolding engineering safety technology

The scaffold itself has the function of ensuring safety, but if the erection does not meet the requirements, unsafe conditions will occur. Therefore, when erecting the scaffold, you must also pay attention to relevant precautions. There are many safety technical requirements for scaffolding engineering. Let’s take a look at what aspects must be considered in the following introduction.
The scaffolding project is a high-altitude operation, and its safety technical requirements mainly include:
① There must be a complete construction plan, which must be approved by the technical person in charge of the enterprise.
②There must be complete safety protection measures, and safety nets, safety fences, and safety baffles must be set up in accordance with regulations.
③The operator must have an escalator, ladder or ramp to ensure safety when going up and down the shelf.
④ There must be good external electricity protection and lightning protection devices, steel scaffolding, etc. should be reliably grounded, and the scaffolding higher than the surrounding buildings should be equipped with lightning protection devices.
⑤Sweeping poles, connecting wall pieces and scissors support must be installed in accordance with the regulations to ensure that the frame is firm.
⑥The scaffold board should be covered and laid firmly, no probe board should be left, and 3 supporting points should be ensured, and the binding should be firm.
⑦In the process of erection and use of scaffolding, inspection must be carried out at any time, and the garbage on the frame must be removed frequently. Pay attention to control the load on the frame, and it is forbidden to pile too much materials on the frame and crowd together with many people.
⑧After the project resumes work and wind, rain, and snow, the scaffold should be inspected in detail. It is found that poles are sinking, hanging in the air, loose joints, and skewed shelves should be dealt with in time.
⑨In case of strong winds or fog or rain above level 6, work at high altitudes should be suspended, and anti-skid measures should be taken for shelf operations after rain or snow.
Scaffolding is an indispensable and important tool in building construction. The scaffolding is required to have enough area to meet the needs of workers’ operation, material stacking and transportation. At the same time, it is also required to be strong and stable to ensure that it is not deformed, tilted or shaken under various loads and weather conditions during construction.

Post time: Nov-03-2021

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