Safety Technical Specifications for cup lock Scaffolding

Bowl-buckle scaffolding is composed of steel pipe vertical poles, horizontal bars, bowl-buckle joints, etc. Its basic structure and erection requirements are similar to those of fastener-type steel pipe scaffolding. The main difference lies in the bowl-buckle joints. The bowl buckle joint is composed of an upper bowl buckle, a lower bowl buckle, a crossbar joint, and a limit pin of the upper bowl buckle. Weld the limit pins of the lower bowl buckle and the upper bowl buckle on the vertical pole, and insert the upper bowl buckle into the vertical pole. Solder plugs on crossbars and diagonal bars. When assembling, insert the horizontal bar and diagonal bar into the lower bowl buckle, press and rotate the upper bowl buckle, and use the limit pin to fix the upper bowl buckle.

1. The base and pad should be accurately placed on the positioning line; the pad should be made of wood with a length of not less than 2 spans and a thickness of not less than 50mm; the axis line of the base should be perpendicular to the ground.

2. Scaffolding should be erected layer by layer in the order of vertical poles, horizontal poles, diagonal poles, and wall-connecting parts, with each rising height not exceeding 3m. The longitudinal straightness of the bottom horizontal frame should be ≤L/200; the horizontality between cross bars should be ≤L/400.

3. The erection of scaffolding should be carried out in stages. The bottom height of the front stage is generally 6 m. After erection, it must be inspected and accepted before it can be officially put into use.

4. The erection of scaffolding should be raised simultaneously with the construction of the building, and the height of each erection must be 1.5m higher than the floor to be constructed.

5. The verticality of the total height of the scaffold should be less than L/500; the maximum allowable deviation should be less than 100mm.

6. When overhangs are added inside and outside the scaffold, only pedestrian loads are allowed within the range of the overhangs, and stacking of materials is strictly prohibited.

7. Wall-connecting parts must be installed at the specified position in time as the height of the shelf rises, and arbitrary removal is strictly prohibited.

8. The setting of the working floor should meet the following requirements: 1) Scaffolding boards must be fully covered, and toe boards and protective railings should be installed on the outside; 2) The protective railings can be installed with horizontal bars at the 0.6m and 1.2m bowl buckle joints of the vertical poles. Set up two; 3) The horizontal safety net under the working layer should be set up following the “Safety Technical Specifications”.

9. When using steel pipe fasteners as reinforcements, wall parts, and diagonal braces, they should comply with the relevant provisions of the “Safety Technical Specifications for Fastener Scaffolding in Construction” JGJ130-2002.

10. When the scaffolding is erected to the top, technical, safety, and construction personnel should be organized to conduct a comprehensive inspection and acceptance of the entire structure, and existing structural defects should be resolved promptly.

Post time: Dec-14-2023

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