Possible causes of scaffolding accidents

According to the research on the accident mode of scaffolding, the safety accidents of scaffolding are mainly divided into two categories: fall accidents from heights, overturns, and collapse accidents.

The possible failure modes of scaffolding safety accidents are sorted according to the degree of relevance, to find out the weak links of the safety and reliability of the scaffolding construction process, and then take timely and effective measures for safety control. How to accurately evaluate the safety of the overall status of the scaffolding during the construction process: Comprehensively consider the safety status of each component of the frame during the construction of the scaffold and the quantitative expression of the frequency of external events, and establish the fuzzy transformation and the overall safety status of the safety influencing factors and the scaffolding Synthesize the relationship, obtain the evaluation set of the overall safety state of the scaffold, and perform fuzzy pattern recognition with the typical fuzzy evaluation subset, and then judge the safety state of the scaffold. Combining the actual case of portal scaffolding, observing the status of scaffolding components and the degree of safety of external events, using a fuzzy calculation to obtain the safety assessment set, and identifying the typical fuzzy evaluation subset to judge that the overall safety status of the scaffolding is very poor, and it should be timely and effective Measures for management and control.

Post time: Aug-18-2020

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