Matters needing attention when installing hot-dip galvanized steel plank

The hot-dip galvanized steel plank is light in weight, easy to move, and easy to install and use. The key to using steel plank is to establish the method of steel springboard lifting points, which requires sufficient strength and embedded steel rings or the use of wall bolts. When used repeatedly, the steel frame should be carefully checked. Often due to dismantling and falling off of the steel frame, local fracture or deformation may be caused, requiring repair and reuse. Side-hanging steel plates need to be sealed. Installation and disassembly of hoisting steel plates is dangerous. We need to select and have experienced personnel to participate in the training.

Steel springboards are generally used in construction projects or some piers and other places. We all know that the application of steel springboards can bring great improvements to our lives. So how to install the hot-dip galvanized steel plank? Below, we introduce to you the precautions for installing hot-dip galvanized steel plank:

1. When installing the steel plank, two or three should be spread out and flattened. When it is fixed and installed, it needs to be bound by traditional thin iron wires. It can also be fixed by scaffolding fasteners. The purpose is to have a stable The effect is to ensure the stability of the galvanized steel plank application.

2. The steel plank needs to be handled with care during application. It should not be too rough and endanger personal safety. During installation, it is also necessary to carry out the installation with a conscientious attitude to prevent the personal safety of the staff from being left behind.

3. Pay attention to the stability coefficient when applying the steel plank, and don’t neglect it.

4. The steel plank must be firmly tied to the steel pipe support during application, so as to ensure the firmness of the steel frame structure.

5. In the actual operation of the steel plank, attention should be paid to the expansion of the use area and the safety of employees.

6. In the process of moving the steel plank, pay attention to whether there is any staff working on it.

Post time: Dec-10-2021

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