Installation of industrial scaffolding details

Scaffolding is a platform support structure used for employees working at heights or for material accumulation. Scaffolding is divided into two categories, namely brackets supported from below and brackets suspended from above.


When preparing for a scaffolding erection job, the first thing to consider is personnel training. All personnel who will use scaffolding must receive user training, including fall protection, load-bearing capacity, electrical safety, material handling, falling object protection, and safe work practices. All personnel involved in inspecting, erecting, or modifying scaffolding must receive safety training on scaffolding hazards, assembly procedures, design standards, and use.


Special Warning: Improper installation or use of scaffolding equipment can result in serious injury or death. Installers and users must be trained and must follow safe practices, procedures, and specific safety rules.


A qualified person should design the scaffolding job: Because each job site has unique conditions, the following must be considered:


1. Near electric wires, process pipelines, or overhead obstacles.

2. A working platform sufficient for standing.

3. Suitable weather conditions and wind/weather protection for the job.

4. Ground conditions with sufficient bearing capacity.

5. Sufficient foundation with sufficient strength to support the scaffolding from a solid, stable surface ensuring support of the expected load.

6. Do not interfere with other work or workers.

7. No harm to the environment.

8. Proper supports need to be installed in all directions, with enough diagonal supports.

9. Safe and convenient ladders and open pedals make it easy to get up and down.

10. Provide fall protection for workers using scaffolding.

11. Provide adequate safety materials and overhead protection when necessary.

12. The safety net protects people working near or under the scaffolding.

13. Plan the load (weight) on the scaffolding.


When carrying out scaffolding operations, the load carried on the scaffolding is a major item to consider. Historically, load calculations for scaffolding structures were based on one of three expected load classes. The light load is up to 172kg per square meter. Medium load refers to up to 200kg per square meter. Heavy loads are no more than 250kg per square meter.

Post time: May-16-2024

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