Inspection standard of portal scaffolding

Among the many types of scaffolding, gantry scaffolding is widely used. When using gantry scaffolding, how about the inspection standard of gantry scaffolding? At the time of acceptance, it must be implemented in accordance with relevant requirements and regulations to ensure the safety of use and the safety of personnel. Let’s introduce the acceptance specifications of portal scaffolding together.

Portal scaffolding is the most common in the scaffolding application industry. The final step of acceptance during the erection process of portal scaffolding is very important. It is the most important item in the construction project. It can be used after the acceptance is fully qualified. In building construction, the ring and ring procedures are all for safety considerations. Only by doing things carefully, the frequency of accidents will be reduced by more than half. In order to ensure that everyone uses the safety nature of the portal scaffolding process.

Acceptance specification for portal scaffolding
For scaffolds with a height of 20m and below, the person in charge of the project shall organize the technical safety personnel for inspection and acceptance; for the scaffolds with a height of more than 20m, the person in charge of the engineering department shall organize the person in charge of the engineering and related technical safety personnel in stages according to the progress of the project Carry out inspection and acceptance.

Product features of portal scaffolding
1. The following documents shall be available for the acceptance of portal scaffolding:
Necessary construction design documents and assembly drawings; factory certificate or quality classification conformity mark of scaffolding components; construction records and quality inspection records of scaffolding projects; major problems and treatment records of scaffolding erection; construction acceptance report of scaffolding projects.

2. For the acceptance of portal scaffolding projects, in addition to checking relevant documents, spot checks should also be carried out on site.
The spot check should focus on the following items, and record the construction acceptance report:
Whether the safety measures are complete, whether the fasteners are fastened and qualified; whether the safety net and the armrests are set up; whether the foundation is flat and solid; whether the setting of the connecting wall rods is omitted, whether they are complete and meet the requirements; verticality and Whether the level is qualified.

3. The level of portal scaffolding:
The longitudinal horizontal deviation of the bottom step scaffold along the wall should be ≤L/600 (L is the length of the scaffold).

4. Allowable deviation of the erection size of portal scaffolding:
The verticality of the scaffold: the vertical deviation of the scaffold along the wall longitudinal direction should be less than or equal to H/400 (H is the height of the scaffold) and 50mm; the horizontal vertical deviation of the scaffold should be less than or equal to H/600 and 50mm; the vertical and horizontal deviation of each step should be ≤ho/600 (h2 is the height of the mast).

The above has introduced the relevant knowledge of the inspection standards of portal scaffolding. It has been more detailed and clear. When it is experienced and accepted, it must be checked and accepted in strict accordance with the regulations, so as to make the use safer and more effective.

Post time: Nov-02-2021

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