How to use aluminum alloy scaffolding safely?

1. Safety inspection: Before building and using aluminum alloy scaffolding, all components and pipes must be inspected to ensure that all parts are intact and that the pipe fittings are free from cracks, squeezes, and obvious dents caused by bumps.


2. When setting up, make sure that the ground on which the aluminum alloy scaffold is built and moved can provide sufficiently stable and strong support.


3. When working in an environment with external supports, please consult the supplier or manufacturer and carry out the work under its guidance.


4. When moving the aluminum alloy scaffold, you need to pay attention to nearby electrical appliances that are running, such as wires in the air. Everyone must leave the scaffolding and clear all debris off the shelf.


In fact, for the scaffolding industry, the joint efforts of all parties are needed to avoid safety accidents. For example, aluminum alloy scaffolding companies need to produce safe and high-quality products; for the purchaser, while taking into consideration the cost performance, the purchase of safe and high-quality aluminum alloy scaffolding should be considered more; As for operators who really use aluminum alloy scaffolding, standard use is a direct guarantee for their own safety.

Post time: Apr-17-2020

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