How to maintain the scaffolding and how long is the service life of the scaffolding

Under normal circumstances, the life of the scaffolding is about 2 years. This also depends on where it is used and how it is used. The final service life of the scaffolding will also be different.

How to extend the service life of the scaffolding?
First: Strictly follow the construction specifications to reduce wear and tear
Taking the door buckle scaffolding as an example, during construction, it is necessary to strictly follow the planning construction to avoid unnecessary wear and tear. Some accessories of the door scaffolding are extremely easy to damage, so it is necessary to have experienced professionals to carry out the construction, which can effectively reduce losses and ensure the safety of the operation.
Second: Proper storage
If you want to extend the service life of the scaffolding, it is very important to keep it properly. When placing the scaffolding, waterproof and moisture-proof measures should be taken to avoid rust. At the same time, the discharge is orderly, which is convenient for standardized management, and is not easy to cause confusion or loss of accessories. Therefore, it is best to have a dedicated person responsible for the recycling of the scaffolding and record the use at any time.
Third: Regular maintenance
It is necessary to apply anti-rust paint to the shelves and scaffolding regularly, generally once every two years. In areas with high humidity, it is required to be repaired once a year to ensure that the rack will not rust.

Scaffolding maintenance knowledge
1. Appoint a special person to conduct daily inspections of the scaffolding to check whether the uprights and pads are sinking or loose, whether all the fasteners of the frame are slipping or loose, and whether all the components of the frame are complete.
2. Make good drainage of the scaffolding foundation. After the rain, the scaffolding foundation should be fully inspected. It is strictly forbidden to allow the scaffolding base to sink due to water accumulation.
3. The construction load of the operating layer shall not exceed 270 kg/square meter. The horizontal bar support, cable wind rope, etc. shall not be fixed on the scaffolding. It is strictly forbidden to hang heavy objects on the scaffolding.
4. It is strictly forbidden for anyone to remove any parts of the scaffolding at will.
5. In case of strong winds above level 6, heavy fog, heavy rain, and heavy snow, the scaffolding operation should be suspended. Before resuming work, it must be checked that there are no problems before continuing the operation.

Post time: Aug-16-2024

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