Erection technology in the application of disc scaffolding

Disc scaffolding erection technology means that no matter what type of scaffolding product is erected, the materials and processing quality of the scaffold must meet the specified requirements. The use of unqualified materials to erect the scaffold is completely prohibited to prevent accidents. Under normal circumstances, scaffolding must be erected by the corresponding safety technical operating regulations. For scaffolds with a height exceeding a higher level, there must be design calculations, detailed plans for erection, approval by the superior technical person in charge, and written safety technology to clarify. Before scaffolding can be erected.

Dangerous and special racks, sockets, and stacks must be designed and approved, and separate safety technical measures can be prepared before scaffolding can be erected. After the scaffolding construction team accepts the task, it must organize all staff to carefully understand the specific safety construction organization design and safety technical measures of the scaffolding, discuss the scaffolding method, and send skilled and experienced technicians to be responsible for the technical guidance and guardianship. The acceptance of disc scaffolding can be carried out after the erection and assembly are completed, after inspection, acceptance, and confirmation. When using scaffolding, the foreman in charge, the scaffold team leader, and the full-time safety technical staff in the water section should organize the acceptance together and fill in the acceptance form to ensure that the disc scaffolding treatment, practice, and embedding depth are correct and reliable. The installation of lifting equipment and booms of scaffolding should be safe and reliable, and the laying of scaffolding boards should comply with relevant regulations.

Post time: Dec-15-2020

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