Cost analysis of double-row floor-standing exterior wall scaffolding

In construction, double-row floor-standing exterior wall scaffolding is an indispensable temporary support structure, which provides a safe working platform for exterior wall construction. The following is a detailed analysis of the cost of double-row floor-standing exterior wall scaffolding so that construction units and investors can better understand and budget the use cost of scaffolding.

First, manual analysis of double-row floor-standing exterior wall scaffolding:
Double-row exterior wall scaffolding erection and dismantling (ground-standing): The erection and dismantling of scaffolding is a labor-intensive job that requires skilled workers to operate. It reflects the labor cost of workers in the process of erecting, adjusting, maintaining, and dismantling scaffolding. This cost also includes the relevant costs of on-site safety management.

Second, material analysis of double-row floor-standing exterior wall scaffolding:
Material cost is an important part of the scaffolding cost, mainly including the following aspects:
1. Steel pipe frame Ф48.3*3: Steel pipe is the main load-bearing component of the scaffolding, and its rental cost is calculated according to length and number of days of use. This cost will be adjusted according to the actual rental duration.
2. Fasteners: Fasteners are used to connect and fix steel pipes and are key accessories for the stability of scaffolding structures. Similarly, this fee will be adjusted according to the actual rental period.
3. Auxiliary materials such as footboards, dense mesh, and iron wire: Although the unit price of auxiliary materials is not high, they play an important role in the entire scaffolding system to ensure construction safety and protection of the surrounding environment.

This cost is calculated based on a one-year rental period. If the rental period is different, it can be adjusted according to actual conditions. In actual operation, the construction unit should consider the specific needs of the project, construction cycle, material price fluctuations, and other factors, and reasonably plan the use and rental plan of scaffolding to control costs and ensure construction progress.

In the process of quotation and cost control, the construction unit should also pay attention to the safety performance and quality of the scaffolding to ensure the life safety of construction personnel and the quality of the project. Through refined management and efficient operation, the construction unit can reduce the cost of scaffolding and improve the economic benefits of the project while ensuring the quality of the project.

Post time: Aug-27-2024

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