Be sure to know these 6 scaffolding safety inspection points

Scaffolding is an important facility on construction sites, and safety is of paramount importance. When conducting scaffolding safety inspections, you must pay attention to the following points to ensure that the construction site is safe! When conducting scaffolding safety inspections, be sure to be careful and careful, and do not miss any safety hazards. Let us work together to ensure construction site safety!


1. Floor-standing scaffolding

Key points to check for the construction plan: Whether there is a construction plan for the scaffolding; whether the height of the scaffolding exceeds the specifications; whether there is no design calculation sheet or approval; and whether the construction plan can guide the construction.

Checkpoints for the pole foundation: Check whether the pole foundation is flat and solid every 10 meters, and meets the design requirements of the plan; whether the pole lacks bases and pads every 10 meters; whether there is a sweeping pole on the pole every 10 meters; whether there is a sweeping pole every 10 meters Whether the extended rice has drainage measures.

Checkpoints for the tie between the frame and the building structure: The height of the scaffolding is above 7 meters, whether the tie between the frame and the building structure is missing or not strong according to the regulations.

Checkpoints for component spacing and scissor braces: Whether the spacing between vertical poles, large horizontal bars, and small horizontal bars every 10 extended meters exceeds the specified requirements; whether the scissor braces are set according to regulations; whether the scissor braces are set continuously along the height of the scaffolding, and whether the angles meet the requirements.

Key points to check for scaffolding and protective railings: whether the scaffolding boards are fully paved; whether the material of the scaffolding boards meets the requirements; whether there is a probe board; whether a dense-mesh safety net is set up on the outside of the scaffolding, and whether the nets are tight; whether a 1.2-meter-high protective railing is set up on the construction layer and footboards.

Checkpoints for setting up small crossbars: Whether small crossbars are set at the intersection of vertical poles and large crossbars; whether small crossbars are fixed at only one end; whether the single row of shelf crossbars inserted into the wall is less than 24CM.

Checkpoints for disclosure and acceptance: Whether there is a disclosure before scaffolding is erected; whether acceptance procedures are completed after scaffolding is erected; and whether there is quantitative acceptance content.

Checkpoints for overlapping poles: whether the overlapping of large horizontal poles is less than 1.5 meters; whether overlapping is used for steel pipe vertical poles; and whether the overlapping length of scissor braces meets the requirements.

Checkpoints for sealing inside the scaffolding: whether every 10 meters below the construction layer is sealed with flat nets or other measures; whether the vertical poles in the scaffolding at the construction layer and the building are sealed.

Checkpoints for scaffolding materials: Whether the steel pipe is bent or severely rusted.

Key points to check for safety passages: whether the frame is equipped with upper and lower passages; and whether the passage settings meet the requirements.

Checkpoints for the unloading platform: whether the unloading platform has been designed and calculated; whether the erection of the unloading platform meets the design requirements; whether the unloading platform support system is connected to the scaffolding; and whether the unloading platform has a limited load sign.


2. Cantilevered scaffolding

Key points to check for the construction plan: whether there is a construction plan for the scaffolding; whether the design document has been approved by superiors; and whether the erection method in the plan is specific.

Checkpoints for the stability of cantilever beams and frames: whether the overhanging rods are firmly tied to the building; whether the installation of the cantilever beams meets the requirements; whether the bottom of the poles is firmly fixed; whether the frame is tied to the building according to regulations.

Key points to check for scaffolding boards: whether the scaffolding boards are laid tightly and firmly; whether the material of the scaffolding boards meets the requirements; and whether there are probes.

Key points to check for the load: whether the load of the scaffolding board exceeds the regulations; and whether the construction load is stacked evenly. Key points to check for disclosure and acceptance: Whether the scaffolding erection meets the requirements; whether each section of scaffolding is erection is accepted; whether there is a disclosure.

Checkpoints for pole spacing: Whether the vertical poles exceed the regulations every 10 extended meters; the spacing between large horizontal poles exceeds the regulations.

Key points to check for frame protection: whether 1.2-meter-high protective railings and toeboards are set outside the construction layer; whether dense-mesh safety nets are set up outside the scaffolding, and whether the nets are tight.

Checkpoints for inter-layer protection: whether there is a flat net or other protective measures under the working layer; whether the protection is tight.

Checkpoints for scaffolding materials: Whether the specifications and materials of rods, fasteners, and steel sections meet the requirements.


3. Portal scaffolding

Key points to check for the construction plan: whether there is a construction plan for the scaffolding; whether the construction plan meets the specification requirements; whether the scaffolding exceeds the height and is designed or approved by superiors.

Check points for the foundation of the scaffolding: whether the scaffolding foundation is flat; or whether there is a sweeping pole at the bottom of the scaffolding.

Key points to check for the stability of the frame: whether it is tied to the wall according to regulations; whether the ties are firm; whether the scissor braces are set up according to regulations; and whether the deviation of the mast vertical pole exceeds the regulations.

Checkpoints for rod locks: whether they are assembled according to the instructions; and whether they are assembled firmly.

Key points to check for scaffolding boards: whether the scaffolding boards are fully paved and whether the distance from the wall is greater than 10CM; whether the material of the scaffolding boards meets the requirements.

Key points to check for disclosure and acceptance: Whether there is a disclosure for scaffolding erection; whether each section of scaffolding is erecting is accepted.

Key points to check for frame protection: whether there are 1.2M guardrails and 18CM foot guards on the outside of the scaffolding; whether dense mesh is hung on the outside of the frame, and whether the mesh spaces are tight.

Key points to check for the material of the rods: whether the rods are deformed; whether parts of the rods are welded; whether the rods are rusted and not painted.

Key points to check for the load: whether the construction load exceeds the regulations; and whether the scaffolding load is stacked evenly.

Check points for the channel: whether the upper and lower channels are set up; and whether the channel settings meet the requirements.


4. Hang scaffolding

Checkpoints for the construction plan: whether the scaffolding has a construction plan; whether the construction plan meets the specification requirements; and whether the construction plan is instructive.

Checkpoints for production and assembly: Whether the production and assembly of the frame meet the design requirements; whether the suspension points are designed and reasonable; whether the production and burial of the suspension point components meet the design requirements; whether the distance between the suspension points exceeds 2m.

Key points to check for the material of the rod: whether the material meets the design requirements, whether the rod is severely deformed, and whether parts of the rod are welded; whether the rods and components are rusted, and whether protective paint is applied.

Key points to check for scaffolding: whether the scaffolding is fully paved and firm; whether the material of the scaffolding board meets the requirements; and whether there is a probe.

Key points for inspection and acceptance: whether the scaffolding has been accepted upon arrival; whether it has been load tested before first use; and whether the acceptance data is comprehensive before each use.

Checkpoints for load: Whether the construction load exceeds 1KN; whether more than 2 people are working per span.

Checkpoints for frame protection: whether 1.2m high protective railings and foot guards are set outside the construction layer; whether a dense-mesh safety net is set up outside the scaffolding, whether the nets are tight; whether the bottom of the scaffolding is sealed tightly.

Checkpoints for installers: whether the scaffolding installation personnel are professionally trained; and whether the installers wear seat belts.


5. Hanging basket scaffolding

Checkpoints for the construction plan: whether there is a construction plan; whether the construction has a design calculation or has not been approved; and whether the construction plan guides the construction.

Checkpoints for production and assembly: Whether the overturning resistance of the cantilever anchorage or counterweight is qualified; whether the hanging basket assembly meets the requirements; whether the electric hoist is a qualified product; whether the hanging basket has been load tested before use.

Checkpoints for safety devices: whether the lifting hoist has a warranty card and whether it is valid; whether the lifting basket has a safety rope and whether it is valid; whether there is hook insurance; whether the operator wears a seat belt and whether the safety belt is hung on the lifting rope of the hanging basket.

Key points to check for scaffolding boards: whether the scaffolding boards are fully paved; whether the material of the scaffolding boards meets the requirements; and whether there are probes.

Checkpoints for lifting operations: whether the personnel operating the lifting are fixed and trained; whether other people are staying in the hanging basket during lifting operations; and whether the synchronization devices of the two hanging baskets are synchronized.

Key points to check for disclosure and acceptance: whether each improvement is accepted; and whether there is an explanation for the improvement and operation.

Checkpoints for protection: whether there is protection on the outside of the hanging basket; whether the outer vertical net is neatly closed; and whether there are protections on both ends of the single-piece hanging basket.

Key points to check for the protective roof: whether there is a protective roof during multi-layer operations; and whether the protective roof is set appropriately.

Key points for checking the stability of the frame: whether the hanging basket is firmly connected to the building; whether the wire rope of the hanging basket is diagonally pulled; and whether the gap from the wall is too large.

Key points to check for the load: whether the construction load exceeds the regulations; and whether the load is stacked evenly.


6. Attached lifting scaffolding

Key points to check for conditions of use: whether there is a special construction organization design; and whether the safety construction organization design has been approved by the superior technical department.

Checkpoints for design calculations: whether there is a design calculation book; whether the design calculation book has been approved by the superior department; whether the design load is 3.0KN/M2 for the load-bearing frame and 2.0KN/M2 for the decorative frame. The value of 0.5KN/M2 in the lifting state; whether the axis of each member of each node of the main frame and support frame intersects at one point; whether there is a complete production and installation drawing.

Checkpoints for the structure of the frame: whether there is a shaped main frame; whether the frame between two adjacent mainframes has a shaped support frame; whether the vertical poles of the scaffolding between the main frames can transfer the load to the supporting frame; whether the frame body Whether it is constructed and erected according to regulations; whether the upper cantilever part of the frame is greater than 1/3 of the height of the frame and exceeds 4.5M; whether the supporting frame uses the mainframe as support.

Checkpoints for attached supports: whether the main frame has connection points on each floor; whether the steel cantilever is tightly connected to the embedded steel bars; whether the bolts on the steel cantilever are firmly connected to the wall and meet the regulations; whether the steel cantilever meets the requirements.

Key points to check on the lifting device: whether there is a synchronous lifting device and whether the lifting device is synchronized; whether the rigging and spreaders have a safety factor of 6 times; whether the frame has only one attached support device when lifting; whether people are standing on the frame when lifting.

Checkpoints for anti-fall and guide anti-tilt devices: Whether there is an anti-fall device; whether the anti-fall device is located on the same attachment device as the frame lifting device, and there are no more than two places; whether there is an anti-left, right, and front anti-tilt device; whether there is an anti-fall device; Does the falling device work.

Key points for inspection in segmented acceptance: whether there are specific inspection records before each upgrade; whether there are acceptance procedures after each upgrade and before use, and whether the information is complete.

Key points to check for scaffolding boards: whether the scaffolding boards are fully paved; whether the gaps away from the wall are sealed tightly; and whether the material of the scaffolding boards meets the requirements.

Checkpoints for protection: whether the dense mesh and safety net used on the outside of the scaffold are qualified; whether there are protective railings on the operating layer; whether the outer sealing is tight; whether the lower part of the working layer is sealed tightly.

Key points to check for operation: whether it is erected according to the construction organization design; whether the technicians and workers are informed before operation; whether the operators are trained and certified; whether there are warning lines during installation, lifting, and dismantling; whether the stacking load is uniform; whether the lifting Whether it is uniform; whether there is any equipment weighing more than 2000N on the frame when lifting.

Post time: May-22-2024

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