Application of scaffolding pipe

Scaffolding pipes, which are the most important part of scaffolding, include different types, including: light scaffolding pipe, heavy scaffolding pipe, sealed scaffolding pipe, seamless scaffolding pipe,
steel scaffolding pipe, galvanized scaffolding pipe, etc., which are included in some of them.

The use of light or heavy scaffolding pipe depends on the type of scaffold and its imposed weight, but in general, both types of pipe are offered with a length of 3 or 6 meters (standard scaffold pipe is 6 meters) with a thickness of 2 to 3 mm and a diameter of 48.3 mm. The pipes used in the construction of scaffolding are industrial pipes and the category of pipe 5, which is 11.2 inches in size, and because these pipes are not going to be used for fluid transfer, a series of tests such as Hydrostatic and non-leakage are not performed on them. They are called industrial pipes.

These pipes are produced in two types of steel scaffolding pipes and galvanized scaffolding pipes, the type of which is determined according to the weather conditions and the place of application. Of course, seamless pipes are sometimes used in the construction of scaffolding, which has a higher strength and a higher cost.

Scaffolding pipes are used in two ways to install scaffolding: vertical and horizontal.

Scaffolding pipes that form vertical foundations should be placed at a distance of 2 meters from each other to maintain the strength of the structure, and this distance is created by using horizontal scaffolding pipes, which both strengthen the vertical pipes and prevent the structure from bending and collapsing. These horizontal pipes are used in two forms, that is, both in the direction of the vertical pipes, which are called transoms, and during the so-called lager.

Post time: Dec-08-2021

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