Acceptance of content of scaffolding theme

1) The acceptance of the scaffolding body is calculated according to the construction needs. For example, the spacing between the vertical poles of the ordinary scaffolding must be less than 2m, the spacing between the longitudinal horizontal poles must be less than 1.8m, and the spacing between the vertical horizontal poles must be less than 2m. The scaffolding carried by the building must be accepted according to the calculation requirements.

2) The vertical deviation of the vertical pole should be implemented according to the data in Table 8.2.4 of the Technical Specifications for Fastener-type Steel Pipe Scaffolding for Building Construction JGJ130-2011.

3) When the scaffolding poles are extended, except for the top of the top layer, the joints of the other layers and steps must be connected with butt fasteners. The joints of the scaffolding frame should be staggered: the joints of two adjacent poles should not be set in the same synchronization or span; the horizontal distance between two adjacent joints of different synchronization or different spans should not be less than 500mm; the distance from the center of each joint to the nearest main node should not be greater than 1/3 of the longitudinal distance; the lap length should not be less than 1m, and 3 rotating fasteners should be set at equal intervals. The distance from the edge of the end fastener cover to the end of the lapped longitudinal horizontal pole should not be less than 100mm. In the double-pole scaffolding, the height of the secondary pole shall not be less than 3 steps, and the length of the steel pipe shall not be less than 6m.

4) The small crossbar of the scaffolding should be set at the intersection of the vertical bar and the large crossbar and must be connected to the vertical bar with a right-angle fastener. When at the operating level, a small crossbar should be added between the two nodes to bear and transfer the load on the scaffolding board. The small crossbar must be fixed with a right-angle fastener and fixed on the longitudinal horizontal bar.

5) The fasteners must be used reasonably during the erection of the frame, and must not be substituted or misused. Cracked fasteners must never be used in the frame.

Post time: Aug-28-2024

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